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Pure Position growing table T3 bookend

  • 238.00 CHF

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  • Brand: Pure Position
  • Product Code: 13869944
  • Size Kids table accessori
QR Pure Position growing table T3 bookend


Growing table children's furniture and accessories series. Children's furniture that grows with the child is good - but it's even better when it's easy to do so: Pure Position develops growing children's furniture whose legs can be extended in four stages by screwing in additional segments, depending on the child's height or age. It becomes even more exciting for the children's room when not only the painting table and desk grow, but also the use of child-friendly accessories changes along with it.
growing table T3 bookend. And the practical storage for all things on the optionally available children's table may not be missing: Pure Position delivers here a small bookboard as T3 bookend for a book selection, of course in plain or stimulating colors. And the best thing is: The mini bookboard remains simply plugged into the table always in place - even if it is a little more turbulent!


Children furniture features
Children's furniture type Kids table accessories
Colour group Brown
Cover properties
Cover material description Wood
General information
Item number 13869944
Manufacturer Pure Position
Product type Children's tables + chairs
Key specifications
Exact colour description Birch
Material group Wood
Specific material description Birch
Wood finish Solid wood
Package dimensions
Height 14 cm
Length 14 cm
Width 20 cm

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