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Trixie umbrella

  • 53.78 CHF

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Dispatching from Friday 23.12 to Mondey 26.12

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  • Availability: In stock
  • Brand: Trixie
  • Product Code: 18491702
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QR Trixie umbrella

Trixie Umbrella

Trixie Umbrella

53.78 CHF

Trixie Umbrella

Trixie Umbrella

53.78 CHF

Trixie Umbrella

Trixie Umbrella

53.78 CHF


The umbrellas from Trixie give your child joy at any time, even on rainy days. The umbrellas convince with their manageability even with children's hands. The umbrellas are an absolute eye-catcher for all children. The typical Trixie animal faces and the matching animal ears decorate the umbrella. But the umbrella also convinces with its robustness and water resistance. The umbrella can also be used as a shade on sunny days. Through the various cute animal models, your child will certainly not forget the umbrella. Your children will always stay dry and safely protected from the rain under the umbrella. The brand Trixie produces only products that are sustainable and safe for children.
Features of the trixie umbrella:
* good manageability even with children's hands
* absolute eye-catcher thanks to cute animal models
* robust and waterproof
* can be used as a shade or umbrella
* Trixie produces exclusively sustainable.


Colour group Multicoloured
General information
Item number 18491702
Manufacturer Trixie
Manufacturer no. 38-209
Product type Umbrella
Key specifications
Exact colour description mouse

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