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Map of Magic - The Mystery of the Sinking City

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  • Availability: In stock
  • Product Code: 7118585
  • Size Carrie Ryan
QR  Map of Magic - The Mystery of the Sinking City


A magical map, countless worlds connected by a magical stream, and two children who must prevent its demise! For Fin from the world of the magic stream and Marrill, who comes from our present, there is nothing more important than coming into possession of all parts of the magic map: Only in this way can they prevent the dark wizard Serth from using the map to completely destroy all worlds. To stop Serth, Fin and Marrill must first locate the legendary city of Monerva, where a special treasure is hidden. But getting there puts the two in great danger - and almost costs them their friendship... The second volume of the four-part series. Further titles: "Map of Magic - The map of secret wishes" (Volume 1) "Map of Magic - The riddle of the shining oracle" (Volume 3) Press comments on ".


Book properties
Author Carrie Ryan
Book cover Paperback
General information
Item number 7118585
Product type Children's + Teenage books
Publisher Fischer Kinder- und Jugendbuch
Sales rank in Product type Children's + Teenage books 1154 of 20381
Key specifications
Genre Children's & Youth Book
Movie properties
Language German
Year 2018
Paper Properties
Number of pages 448
Target group
Minimum age 10 years

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