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Yummeez Beef 175g

  • 19.94 CHF

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Dispatching from Saturday 24.12 to Mondey 26.12
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  • Availability: In stock
  • Brand: Yummeez
  • Product Code: 17840258
  • Size Adult, 175 g
QR Yummeez Beef 175g


Due to their shape and delicious recipe, the Yummeez Classic are particularly suitable for working with the dog in agility, tracking or puppy school, but they can also be used for daily rewards or as a snack for in between.
In order to satisfy all dogs, but especially those who are allergic to a type of grain, the Yummeez are made completely grain-free and gluten-free. Instead, they consist of 50% meat or fish, so your dog is also supplied with valuable protein with each reward. The raw fat content is low at a maximum of 6% and no sugar is added, which is why the treats are also suitable for overweight dogs.
Yummeez Beef:
Composition: meat and animal by-products (beef 17%), vegetable by-products (potato 12%, tapioca 6%, alfalfa 4%).
Analytical components: 25% moisture, 30% crude protein, 4.5% fat content, 6.5% crude fiber, 3.5% crude ash.


Feed properties
Main feed type Supplementary feedingstuffs
General information
Item number 17840258
Manufacturer Yummeez
Product type Dog food
Key specifications
Food type snacks
Special needs Sugar free
crude fiber 6.50 %
damp 25 %
Package dimensions
Weight 175 g
Packaging type sac
Pet properties
Pet Cat
Phase of life Adult
Sports nutrition properties
Flavour ox

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