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Litozin Rosehip powder

  • 116.24 CHF

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  • Availability: In stock
  • Brand: Litozin
  • Product Code: 8725184
  • Size 120 x
QR Litozin Rosehip powder


Since rosehip is a natural product and there is always a fluctuation in natural products, they wanted to make sure with the additional vitamin C that the consumer also gets enough vitamin C. At the same time, it makes the product more stable.
Why do we now only need 3 capsules of Litozin a day?
Due to the new, modified manufacturing process, it is possible to reduce the amount of capsules needed.
Why do we need only 1 spoonful of Litozin powder a day?
Due to the new, modified manufacturing process, it is possible to reduce the amount of powder needed.
How much vitamin C does an adult need a day?
approx. 100 - 200 mg per day
Why is there no package insert for Litozin?
Since it is approved as a food (powder) or as a dietary supplement (capsules, drink), there is no package insert.
What happens if I take too much vitamin C?
The body absorbs the vitamin C as needed and excess vitamin C is excreted. - New quality only 3 capsules daily (instead of 8) - Capsules with gently dried and ground rosehip peels and seeds from southern Chile - All irritating hairs have been removed - New with vitamin C Ingredients: Rosehip powder 83.5%, gelatin capsules (bovine origin), vitamin C.


Content characteristics
Description Food supplements
Product Additional Information Food supplements
Address Digitec Galaxus AG, Pfingstweidstrasse 60b, CH‑8005 Zürich
General information
External links Specifications (de)
Item number 8725184
Manufacturer Litozin
Product type Supplements
Key specifications
Anwendungsbereich Muscles + Joints
Dosage form capsules
Items per sales unit 120 x
medicine cabinet properties
Scope of application supplements Muscles + Joints
Origin Denmark
Package dimensions
Height 6.95 cm
Length 12.46 cm
Weight 108 g
Width 7.15 cm

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