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Clementoni Galileo: This is how you grow sea monkeys
Clementoni Galileo: This is how you grow sea monkeys
Clementoni Galileo: This is how you grow sea monkeys
Clementoni Galileo: This is how you grow sea monkeys

Clementoni Galileo: This is how you grow sea monkeys

  • 32.25 CHF

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  • Availability: In stock
  • Brand: Clementoni
  • Product Code: 632168
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QR Clementoni Galileo: This is how you grow sea monkeys


Breed your own salt crustaceans - A great aquarium for breeding crustaceans.
Contents:AquariumBag with salt crab eggs, salt mixture and nutrients100 ml plastic measuring cup with lid20 ml plastic measuring cup with lidPipetteSpoon-shaped spatulaSpoon instruction booklet


General information
External links Manufacturer's site (de)
Item number 632168
Manufacturer Clementoni
Manufacturer no. 320.69937
Product type Science kits
Sales rank in Product type Science kits 198 of 1027
Key specifications
experimental area animal life
Licence Galileo
Movie properties
Language German
Package dimensions
Height 6 cm
Length 21.50 cm
Weight 170 g
Width 15.50 cm
Target group
Age to 99 years
Minimum age 8 years

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