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Swissgames-Spiele Skyjo

  • 47.03 CHF

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QR Swissgames-Spiele Skyjo


Skyjo - This is the name of the new exciting game from Magilano, which promises fun entertainment for friends and family. Skyjo is about collecting as few points as possible over several rounds of play. At the end of each round, each player's points are counted and added to their previous score. Once a player has reached 100 or more points, the game ends and the player with the lowest score becomes the winner. Earning low points means looking out for cards with as small and negative numbers as possible. Tactical elements come into play through some special rules that can lead to a surprising twist in winning prospects, adding excitement.


General information
Item number 16421384
Manufacturer Swissgames-Spiele
Product type Board games
Sales rank in Product type Board games 6 of 13959
Package dimensions
Height 3.70 cm
Length 19.50 cm
Weight 363 g
Width 10.30 cm

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