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Automaten Hoffmann Tournament kicker Hurricane

  • 2,437.50 CHF

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QR Automaten Hoffmann Tournament kicker Hurricane


Automaten Hoffmann foosball table Hurricane For continuous use - The Automaten Hoffmann foosball table Hurricane is a top class tournament foosball table that passes even the most passionate foosball duels. The foosball table offers even professionals the perfect game enjoyment. - Stable and solid body - Everything about the Hurricane foosball table from Automaten Hoffmann is designed for durability and continuous use The solid body is specially coated. The sturdy metal legs and non-slip feet ensure an absolutely firm and secure stand. The hollow kicker rods made of seamless steel are equipped with plain bearings and allow an absolutely round run with the highly elastic buffers. - Professional Tournament Playing Field - The stable playing field is suitable for tournaments and enables an effortless match on a professional surface. Thanks to lifted corners, the 5 poly-urethane special balls always stay in play. The pre-assembled foosball figures are optimally shaped and balanced. The fixed brackets and the weight balance on the foosball figures ensure class ball control in any position. If a goal is scored, the right sound is immediately heard through a metal plate. Through the manual, metal goal counter, you always keep track of the scores. The goalkeeper rotates freely 360 degrees.


Colour group White
General information
Item number 21062035
Manufacturer Automaten Hoffmann
Product type Table football
Key specifications
Exact colour description White
Package dimensions
Weight 111.21 kg

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