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Sebra Music box, Bluebell the rabbit, dreamy lavender
Sebra Music box, Bluebell the rabbit, dreamy lavender
Sebra Music box, Bluebell the rabbit, dreamy lavender

Sebra Music box, Bluebell the rabbit, dreamy lavender

  • 108.38 CHF

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In stock
Dispatching from Tuesday 17.01 to Mondey 16.01
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  • Availability: In stock
  • Brand: Sebra
  • Product Code: 21667775
  • Size
QR Sebra Music box, Bluebell the rabbit, dreamy lavender


If you gently pull on the little flower that Bluebell holds between her paws, the soothing sounds of Brahm's Lullaby will ring out.
The music box has a strap with a C-ring so it can easily be attached to the bed, activity frame or car seat - or anywhere else it can be useful. A music box can contribute to a soothing sleep ritual that provides a feeling of security. A sleep ritual thanks to which the child can fall asleep in a calm way and understand that the day ends with the sounds of Bluebell. The music box can also be taken along when the child is sleeping in another place to hear a familiar melody at bedtime.
The music box has a soft polyester filling and its body is made of beautiful linen.


General information
Item number 21667775
Manufacturer Sebra
Product type Musical pull toys

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