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JBL Manado Bodengrund

  • 48.75 CHF

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  • Brand: JBL
  • Product Code: 6205373
  • Size
QR JBL Manado Bodengrund


Can I use JBL Manado with sand together in an aquarium?
No, because Manado has a larger pore volume than sand, i.e. the sand will trickle down.
Why does my GH steadily increase after the insertion of JBL Manado?
If the GH is still clearly too high after several water changes, this is an indication that JBL Manado has not been washed thoroughly enough. Please make a daily water change of at least 70% for about 4-5 days. Then the washing process is largely complete.
Can JBL Manado also be used with a floor heating cable or is there overheating?
As far as overheating of the floor is concerned, I do not see any danger as long as the floor heating cable has been laid properly with spacers and does not rest directly on the glass pane.
When setting up with JBL Manado, we discovered a magnetic component. What is it?
Manado is made from a natural raw material (clay), which can have slight variations in its mineral composition depending on the specific deposit. The "magnetic component", which can be traced back to iron cores, occurs sporadically, but has no negative effects on aquarium operation. On the contrary, iron is needed and utilized by plants as a trace element.
Can I use a mulching bell with JBL Manado?
Manado has a lower specific weight than gravel. Normally it is possible to clean the ground with a sufficiently wide mulch bell. If Manado is sucked in too much, it helps to reduce the suction power, for example by using a stopcock.
In my opinion, a thorough cleaning of the bottom is usually not necessary in newly set up aquariums or can be limited to the upper area.
Can I subsequently add JBL Manado (substrate) to an aquarium?
JBL Manado can easily be added to the aquarium at a later date. In this case, however, I would recommend that JBL Manado be thoroughly rinsed several times with warm water, as natural fluctuations in raw materials mean that calcium is released into the water for a short time without thorough rinsing. This effect is only temporary and can be prevented by thoroughly washing out with warm water.
Why do I have foam on the surface of the water after I have applied JBL Manado?
Although remote diagnosis is extremely difficult, the foam formation on the water surface indicates that there are too many organic components, especially protein, which is foamed out by water movement. Manado is free of organic components, i.e. the foam formation can hardly be attributed to Manado.
Is it necessary to add an additional nutrient medium such as JBL AquaBasis plus under JBL Manado or can JBL Manado do without it due to its properties?
JBL Manado itself contains no fertiliser. JBL Manado is able to absorb nutrients (especially trace elements) and thus make them available to the plant roots.
For good plant growth it is recommended to use JBL AquaBasis plus under JBL Manado.


General information
Item number 6205373
Manufacturer JBL GmbH & Co.
Product type Aquarium plant care
Package dimensions
Weight 10 kg

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