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Clementoni Mecha Dragon Dragon
Clementoni Mecha Dragon Dragon
Clementoni Mecha Dragon Dragon
Clementoni Mecha Dragon Dragon
Clementoni Mecha Dragon Dragon

Clementoni Mecha Dragon Dragon

  • 106,20 CHF

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Dispatching from Mondey 26.12 to Saturday 24.12
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  • Availability: In stock
  • Brand: Clementoni
  • Product Code: 14936892
  • Size
QR Clementoni Mecha Dragon Dragon


Galileo Mecha Dragon, Dragon. A kit to create a fantastic mechanical dragon that, with its 3 motors and multiple sensors, interacts with the child and the environment to experience endless adventures together. The dragon can be controlled by an app that communicates with radio frequency signals, as well as with the whistle included in the kit or simply by clapping your hands. With its 2 motors and servo motor, it moves its wings and mouth, as well as the drive wheel and joint in the middle of its body, allowing it to turn and chase its prey as if it were alive. A unique robot with over 3 play modes and 22 functions to discover robotics in a simple and fun way and apply the principles of STEM (math, computer science, science and technology). The mechanical dragon is perfect for developing dexterity, logic, spatial orientation and imagination, especially because of the great interactivity of the game and the unique experience of assembling it.


General information
Item number 14936892
Manufacturer Clementoni
Product type Science kits
Sales rank in Product type Science kits 149 of 1027
Key specifications
experimental area Robotics
Licence Galileo
Movie properties
Language German
Package dimensions
Height 7.10 cm
Length 45.30 cm
Weight 1.38 kg
Width 31 cm
Target group
Age to 16 years
Minimum age 8 years

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