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Van Dijk Toys Wooden wheel beech

  • 231.98 CHF

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QR Van Dijk Toys Wooden wheel beech


Van Dijk Toys wooden wheel pink - beech
This Van Dijk brand running wheel has a cheerful look and was made from environmentally friendly materials. The running wheel was produced in our own factory in Europe. The running wheel is made of solid beech wood, which was finished with a nice varnish. A running wheel will help your child take his first steps and stimulate the development of motor skills. This running wheel is equipped with four wheels, so your child can not fall over. The soft rubber tires ride silently and do not leave streaks on the floor. The running wheel is suitable for indoor use. The running wheel a seat height of 25 cm and is suitable for children from 1 year and a height of 75cm.
Van Dijk Toys is a genuine Dutch brand known for its great wooden toys of excellent quality. Dei running wheels from Van Dijk are designed and manufactured in house. They also use only high quality birch multiplex and beech wood, which is perfect for making safe toys. The great wooden design combined with good functionality provide guaranteed fun with the running wheels of Van Dijk!


Colour group Pink
General information
Item number 13788895
Manufacturer Van Dijk Toys
Product type Balance bikes
Key specifications
Exact colour description Pink

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